Edge Computing: Just Another Buzz Word?

Edge Computing: Just Another Buzz Word? Landlords around the world are investing in their offices to make them “smart.” This trend is affecting businesses and making a significant impact on IT systems. Smart devices like temperature sensors, humidity sensors, occupancy sensors, etc., are being packed into every office, and the mass data these sensors collect […]

Is IT End-User Training Really Necessary? A Look Into the ROI of End-User Training

Is IT End-User Training Really Necessary? A Look Into the ROI of End-User Training IT end-user training refers to the educational sessions or learning materials provided to users of technology within an organization, focusing on the proper and effective use of software and hardware tools available to them. The “end-users” are the individuals who will […]

Choosing the Right Data Backup Solution: On-Premises vs. Cloud Backup

Choosing the Right Data Backup Solution: On-Premises vs. Cloud Backup Your business will eventually be faced with the difficult question: should I keep all my data here in the office, or have the data stored in the cloud? The decision to choose between on-premises and cloud backup solutions is a critical one, as it directly […]

Demystifying Endpoint Security: Protecting Your Business Beyond the Physical Perimeter

Demystifying Endpoint Security: Protecting Your Business Beyond the Physical Perimeter In today’s digital world, the traditional concept of a secure perimeter is no longer sufficient to safeguard businesses from cyber threats. With the recent rise of remote work and the increase in devices per employee (desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets), the importance of endpoint security has […]